NC's Leadership Competencies:
An Equitable Approach in Action!
A project partnership between The North Carolina Principal Fellows and The Equity Collaborative.
Listed as part of the North Carolina Standards for School Executives, each of the competencies represent skills and knowledge essential for principals to possess to make a positive impact on their school community. Participants will review each of the competencies and complete tasks designed to strengthen their skillset.
Additionally, as we consider the equity challenges current school leaders face, this professional development course will guide participants through assignments designed to increase exposure to and thought around equitable practices. Finally, as participants navigate through the competencies, access to coaching support provided by The Equity Collaborative will be available.
For now, the course is being released as a pilot for NCPF Class 26 only. Their participation will assist us in making revisions prior to the full launch for all TP3 Fellows during the 2021-22 school year. At that time, this professional development series will become one of our programmatic enrichment activities required by all TP3 Fellows.
In the future, all educational leaders across North Carolina will have access to the series, as we recognize the value of this work.
"As a member of the inaugural class of the North Carolina Principal Fellows (NCPFP) and Transforming Principal Preparation (TP3) program at North Carolina Central University, I am grateful for the opportunity to reflect and examine my mindset and decision making as I embark on my leadership journey. Participation in the leadership competencies has fostered my ability and desire to use a perspective-taking and perspective-seeking lens while collaborating with others, having crucial conversations, and problem-solving. Additionally, I had the opportunity to engage with cohort members to discuss and practice real-world experiences in leadership. Overall, the Leadership Competencies helped to bolster my confidence as a future leader by allowing me to further develop my expertise in communication and solution focused strategies."
"Having the opportunity to engage in the work of completing the equity competencies modules was a great experience. From these modules, I have gained a deeper knowledge of what great leadership entails. I now feel more equipped with resources and tools to support me in my journey of School Leadership."
"The Equity Collaborative professional development series allowed me to reimagine leadership through an equity lens. The collaborative approach combined my passion, integrity and purposefulness through engaging activities which encouraged me to be a reflective practitioner and grow as an effective leader."
"NCPFP Equity Modules were enjoyable and educative. I loved the course materials and how they were presented throughout the modules. The videos that were included were eye-opening and led to many thought-provoking conversations. I learned a lot about leading initiatives and how to apply the strategies I learned. The course increased my passion for issues surrounding equity, diversity, and inclusion and my commitment. This course is a must for anyone inspired to be an effective and inclusive leader."
"The resources and curriculum of the equity competencies modules challenged our Principal Fellows to reflect on their leadership dispositions, with particular focus on leading their staff and students equitably. In addition, collaboratively engaging in the work of the modules allowed for our Principal Fellows to learn from and with their cohort members in a safe space. Growth of their equity leadership lens was evident by the whole cohort discussions of their experiences with the equity competencies modules; discussions that were led by our Principal Fellows."