NC Principal Fellow, Laurie Keck (Class 25)

NC Principal Fellow, Laurie Keck (Class 25) describes how she’s helping lead her school during these unpredictable times.  As an administrative team of four, we have written thank you notes to each and every staff member.  The responses I have received from staff members have shown me that the personal touch in leadership cannot be underestimated.  One teacher told me that the note was the sweetest card she’d ever received from an administrator.  Maintaining a personal connection to staff at this time, considering the need for social distancing, is imperative to everyone’s morale.  This activity has helped refine my idea of servant leadership.  In order to be the best leader that I can be, I need to start with heart and keep ALL of my stakeholders and their needs squarely in front of me.

The most challenging aspect of our current situation has been dealing with the absence of students and staff from the building.  As an administrator, I am expected to be at school daily to help manage the phones and assist those who need access to the school for technology or instructional resources.  Not seeing the students and staff makes me realize that I truly thrive on my interactions with them.  They are such a big part behind why I love my job.

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