News & Events

Principal Fellow, Randy Meisenhelder (Class 26)

Principal Fellow, Randy Meisenhelder (Class 26) has gained a better understanding when it comes to the importance of building quality relationships with students and families, especially due to inequities in our students’ realities.  Added hardships like this pandemic not only highlight these inequities, they exacerbate them. I am using the unexpected quarantine as an opportunity to grow, so […]

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NC Principal Fellow, Kisha Young (Class 25)

NC Principal Fellow, Kisha Young (Class 25) acknowledges the need for school leaders to be flexible at all times. She understands that as a leader, not only do the students rely on your direction, but also your staff.  As a leader, checking on your staff’s well being – mentally and physically – is essential.  She points out […]

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Principal Fellow, Courtney Hubbard (Class 26)

is reminded that there will always be curveballs to continuously challenge us in ways we can never be prepared. As an administrator your approach and attitude is what your staff, students and community are watching and they are reacting based on how you act. For my upcoming internship I am looking forward to real world […]

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Principal Fellow, Charelle Lovett (Class 26)

Principal Fellow, Charelle Lovett (Class 26) is recalls her feelings when hearing the announcement that schools would be closed for the remainder of this year: Today, Governor Cooper made the announcement school buildings will remain closed for the rest of the school year. An announcement that I expected, but still feels like a punch in the gut. […]

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